I'm back!
I have been MIA for a year, but I am back with many new stories, advice and motivation for all of you!
This past year I worked a lot on myself by focusing on self-love, self-care and trusting God fully. I genuinely believe that the power of your mind can change how you feel and look. I stopped caring about what other people thought of me and started doing what I wanted and loved to do. One big example was my social media. I was always so scared to post about my passions or maybe a picture where I do not look perfect (but happy) because what if someone judged me, but I just stopped caring. After all, it is MY social media, so why would I care what other people think. I also worked on loving myself 100%. Obviously, there are still days when I do not feel pretty or confident, but then I have to remind myself how far I have come to feel confident.
Recently I started getting a lot of comments from my friends about how happy and positive I am and that I am glowing. Honestly, it is all about the power of your brain. I have not changed a thing, but I started saying positive things about myself and avoiding negative comments. I get my sad days, but I remember to stay positive even on the bad days. The most essential part of all of this is also God. This past year, I have witnessed how God provides and cares for us more than ever. We love a kind God that wants to help us and be there for us. We just need to ask him and listen to the Holy Spirit.
In conclusion, Psalms 139:13 says, "You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and KNIT me together in my mother's womb." Focus on loving yourself, trust God and stop caring about what other people will think.
That was my motivation for you all, but now I will take you on a ride through my 2021. Firstly, I turned 22 years old and obviously, I played "22" by Taylor Swift for the first few months of 2021 and the whole day on 12 May. I checked off a bucket list item by staying at Atlantis the Palm in Dubai and swimming with a dolphin. This was definitely the highlight of my 2021.
I graduated my Business Management Certificate with Cum Laude! I was extremely proud of myself.
I convinced my brother to volunteer at the Dubai Sevens with me. I worked as a Tunnel Manager, and I absolutely loved it. (PS: South Africa won the Dubai Sevens!!)
We bought Formula One tickets for my brother's 18th birthday, and it was the longest-kept secret in our house. My brother and I were way too excited to see and hear the F1 cars in real life. In my opinion, the sound of an F1 car is one of the most beautiful sounds in the world!
Lastly, I STARTED UNIVERSITY AND MOVED TO DUBAI!! I am currently a student at Middlesex Dubai, and I am studying Foundation of Business.
I know it is almost March, but I will post more regularly in 2022.